Killing of Christians in Northern Nigeria increased by 62% from 2014 to 2015. In 2014: 2,484 Christians killed & 108 churches attacked. In 2015: 4,084 Christians killed & 198 churches attacked In 2018: over 6,000 Christians killed. In Nigeria. Today, 11 Christians are killed every day for believing in Jesus. Extended violence has caused: mass displacement of people (from Northern Nigeria to Middle Belt), infrastructure collapse, and disruption of daily life at all levels.

Many Christians want to retaliate. There is a desperate need among Christians in the Middle-Belt for Anabaptist teachings about peace, justice, and reconciliation. Nigeria is in the top 16 nations in the world for the number of persecuted Christians. Women face almost constant threat of attack, rape, and kidnapping. Even Christians often want to violently respond. Young people, especially, are quick to want to retaliate with violence. There is a need to educate and resource Christians. The Gospel message is vitally necessary for evangelism among Muslims. Peace, love and reconciliation are a powerful witness to unbelievers. Christ’s way: Do not meet violence with violence Meet violence with love.

“For God is not a God of disorder but of peace”. (I Cor. 14:33)